Rose’s Story

Rose (name changed to protect her identity) is an impressive Afghan woman.

The world would describe Rose as intelligent and with an impressive resume. In Afghanistan, Rose received a bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and a Master’s degree in International Relations. In addition, she worked as a woman’s rights activist and journalist.

Rose’s life was difficult in Afghanistan because of her work for woman’s rights. But what she endured as a woman’s rights activist was nothing compared to what she has and continues to suffer because she decided to follow Jesus.

Rose lost everything. I mean everything.

After fleeing Afghanistan because of death threats by the Taliban, Rose ended up in Turkey as a refugee. Because of Rose’s commitment to Christ, she was abandoned by her husband. Rose lives alone with her two boys. She cannot work and is entirely dependent on our gifts so she and her boys can have a roof over their heads and daily bread.

Rose lost everything but gained the main thing. The only thing. Rose has Jesus, and Rose has joy. Her passion for Christ will not be quenched. She presses on. She won’t give up. She purposes to raise her boys in the fear and admonition of the Lord. She pursues God and spiritual sustenance in faithful Bible study.

Friends, Rose’s children are fatherless. Rose has been abandoned and has no means to support herself. If you want to designate a gift to help Rose with rent, food, and basic living costs, you can. Right now.

Just click here to become a sponsor to Rose. Your gift will go directly to Rose and her boys.

Friends, you can make a real difference in Rose’s life. Please consider giving something today to help Rose and her boys. Also, please, pass this message on to others. Let’s let Rose know she’s not forgotten.
Let's make a real difference in Rose's life.

Together we can. 


What Hazara Need